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May your meat be your solitary medecine

Our craving being for the most part to have solid mutts, it is regular that we swung to a more common eating regimen, and significantly more advantageous: the RAW.

This enables us to control everything that terrains in the bowl of our loulous.

Here is a case of a dinner for every one of our mutts. raw food

Crude what's going on here?

It is an eating routine, more well known, intending to get as close as conceivable to the eating regimen of the wild pooch or the wolf.

It contains meat, angle, beefy bones, offal, supplements (oil, eggs ...) and vegetables/natural products or green stomach.

The amount to offer is to be ascertained by the heaviness of the pooch (because of a rate).

Cases of piece and nourishments

It is, obviously, essential to adjust the eating routine to the particular needs of each puppy, regarding amount and sythesis. The necessities of every individual are unique: pregnant female, pup, canine developing or old ...

Here is a commonplace case of the creation of a feast here:

             40% crude beefy bones: of sufficient size to the canine; chicken leg, chicken cadaver, chicken neck, pork slashes, sheep hacks

             35 % crude meat: hamburger, rabbit meat, duck meat, pork

             15% angle: sprat, herring

             5% of different offal: heart, kidney

             5 % liver: poultry liver

             1 proportion every week is supplanted by green gut

The last exactness: everything is to give crude!

I guarantee you that mutts don't transform into savage executioners subsequent to having tasted blood!

The advantages are many: amazing quality hair, all around shaped stools, little and unscented, a canine that appreciates eating, brilliant musculature, excellent travel, considerably less sickness ...

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For what reason not croquettes?

How about we begin toward the starting: The puppy was in its earliest stages an astute flesh eater (its canines and in addition the length of its gut, are incontestable evidences).

Without a doubt, he ate the remaining parts of people, in waste jars for instance. As time went on, he could make proteins that could process anything that was not made for him.

So, regardless of the supposed catalysts, numerous things are hard for him to process. The best known cases are grains.

It takes him in the vicinity of 10 and 12 hours (in some cases much more), to process his bowl of croquettes!In different words, your pooch kibble, invests his energy processing.

Mechanical nourishments, for example, croquettes, have too high a level of grains (over half, and regularly in the vicinity of 70 and 80%!). This is clarified by the way that grains are substantially less expensive than meat and furnish the kibble with "matter". As a result of these grains, the sugar rate (never composed on the pack!) Climbs rapidly! To talk about a known illustration: the imperial canin, junior medium (that you would prompt the imposing raisers in the RC), contain 30% of sugar, and the grown-ups 43% !! A puppy has no utilization of sugar, it gets its vitality from fat, so it resembles eating 43% of our sweet suppers.

What intrigue do we have in sustaining our canines with sustenance that they process gravely, destroy their stomach related framework, and what's more, which influences them to put on weight?

Also the way that oats can contain mycotoxins, in charge of dermatitis, epilepsy, hypersensitivities ... and additionally synthetic added substances, which supplant vitamins, and supplements of meat, which they don't put.

Also just oats. Realize that your croquettes seldom contain meat, by and large, "proteins of ...", which implies obstructs, hairs, plumes, fleece, viscera, blood ... what's more, what they admit less, powder of 'creatures ! What's more, not simply animals, no. There are likewise fiery remains of mutts and felines :)


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